Areas of Interest
Gender and sexualty
The discourse on gender and sexuality between essentialism and constructionism, that deals with nature versus society impact, the discussion in philosophy, art, literature and psychoanalysis, about whether identity as man or woman is biologically or culturally derived is not merely theoretical. It is a discourse which reflects a central conflict in the psyche of men and women: On the one hand there is the wish to firmly establish the differences (Blessed He that created me a Man; Blessed he that created me a woman). On the other hand - a strong wish to delete or blur the differences, to mask their meaning, to be complete with no deficiency, to fulfill our bisexuality.
Dreams and social dream matrix
There are different aspects of dreams – the personal the relational and the social. This is not a case of either/or, but complementary and enriching dimensions, which may be construed in terms of figure/ground or of what Bion referred to as "reversible perspective" or 'binocular vision' (Bion, 1970).
The dream, is multi-dimensional, and can never be observed in its entirety. Every image has a background, every center - its margins, every text – its context; we can choose the focus of our gaze and we can shift our perspective, exchanging figure for ground and vise-versa
Group analysis - small and large groups
In the group analytic group the individual is the nodal in a field of interactions, a space in which conscious and unconscious feelings, communications, and reactions are meeting. In this way each member in the group has an impact and also influenced by this net of communication that builds the matrix of the group.
Parent-Child relationship
In the beginning of the 20th century it was hypothesized that the impact of fathers on the mental life of their daughters was mainly through dealing with the Oedipal conflict.
Later, for many years, psychoanalysis dealt with the relationships between mothers and daughters. Only recently, with the advent of feminism there is a re-emergence of interest in the relationship of fathers and daughters. In fact it is important to look at the influence of both fathers and mothers on daughters and on sons.