A bridge over troubled water
This book is a compilation of papers by different authors, among them Vamik Volkan, Robi Friedman, John Schlapobersky, Haim Weinberg, and Michael Bucholz, with a foreword by Earl Hopper and an introduction by Gila Ofer, both editor and contributor. While most of the writers are group analysts, working in the tradition of Foulkes, several others come from different though complementary perspectives, enriching the theoretical basis of the research. So, there are perspectives, inter alia, from Bion and Cortesao. The writers represent different countries and cultures, focusing on problems that are endemic to their own localities that yet have a wider and deeper resonance. We are introduced to conflict and division in Bedouin society, the Roma people living in Greece, citizens' reflective communities in Serbia, continuing territorial and ideological differences in Israel and the middle-east, and tensions of difference in the psychoanalytic community itself.

List of publications
Ofer, G. (2020). Europe on the couch in Social Dreaming Matrix. In: A Psychoanalytic and socio-cultural exploration of a continent. Zajenskowska,A. & Levin, U. (eds.). Routledege. pp.188-198.
Ofer, G. (2018). Discussion - The four modalities of the experience of others in groups by Schermer. Group Analysis, 51(2).
Ofer, G. (2018). book review: Women Abandoned. by Anat Gur. Group, 42(2).
Ofer, G. (2017). The Personal, group and social aspects of dreaming. in: r. Friedman and Y. Doron, Group Analysis in the Land of Milk and Honey. London: Karnac.
עפר ג. (2017). לעמוד מול אמת כואבת: בדרך להשלמה ולסליחה. מארג 7 :עמ' 220-207
Ofer G. (2017). A response to Richard Billow's 'Relational Psychotherapy: An overview: Part III: Modes of Therapeutic Leadership", September 2017. Group Analysis, 50(3), pp. 319-325.
Ofer, G. (2016). Úzkost ve skupinové terapii s hraničními pacienty. Rev. psychoanal. psychoter., 18(1):60-70.
Ofer, G. (2016). Personal, group and social aspects of dreams. International Journal of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis: 9(4). (in Russian).
Ofer, G. (2016). Anxiety in Group Therapy with Borderline Patients. (in Check) Revue Psychoanalyticka Psychoterapie, 18(1).
Ofer, G. (2016). Gender Multiplicity in Group Analysis: Bridging Identities- Fluidity and Fixity in Group Analysis. Group, vol. 40(2).
עפר, ג. (2015). המימדים האישיים הקבוצתיים והחברתיים של החלום. בתוך: פרידמן,ר. ודורון,י. .טיפול קבוצתי אנליטי בארץ זבת חלב ודבש. הוצאת "אח" בע"מ.302-287
Ofer, G. (2015). Clinical Wisdom. in: Group Analysis, 48(4), pp:535-539.
Ofer, G. (2014). The Personal, The relational, The Group and the Social in a Globalized World – a Perspective through working with Dreams. Group Analysis, 47 (4).
Ofer, G. (2013). Can the Ethiopian Change His Skin, Or the Leopard His Spots? (Jeremiah 13:23) - On Love, Hate and What’s Between Them. EFPP Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Review.
Ofer, G. (2013). Group Processes in the Movie, “As it is in Heaven”: Leadership that Enhances; Leadership that Stifles. Group Analysis, 46 (3)
עפר, ג. (2012). סליחה ואי סליחה בטיפול הקבוצתי. מקבץ, 17(1)
Ofer, G. (2011). Book review: Women Abandoned. In: Mikbatz, 16(2)
Ofer, G. (2011). Enemies, Love Story: Gender Differences in the Expression of Love, Hate and Desire. In: Desire, Passion & Gender. eds. L. Navaro et al. Nova Science publishers, Inc.
Ofer, G. (2009). Genderová multiplicita ve skupinové analýze: překlenutí identit (proměnlivost a neměnnost ve skupinové analýze). Rev. psychoanal. psychoter., 11(2):37-49
Ofer, G. (2009). Gender Multiplicity in Group Analysis: Bridging Identities. Revue Psychoanalyticka Psychoterapie (Revue of Psychoanalytic psychotherapy). Vol. 10 (2)
Ofer G. (2009). Editor’s forward. Mikbatz, 14 (1)
Ofer, G. (2009). Group processes in the movie “As it is in Heaven”- leadership that )1(enhances, and leadership that stifles. Mikbatz, 14
Ofer, G. (2008). Editor’s forward. Mikbatz, 13(1)
Ofer, G. (2008). Editor’s forward. Mikbatz, 13(2)
Ofer, G. (2007) Review: papers on eating disorders. Mikbatz, .12 (2)
Ofer, G. (2006) Editor's forward: gender, sexuality and group processes. Mikbatz, 11(2)
Ofer, G. and Mendelson, H. (2006). Role analysis of nurses working in infertility clinics. (in Hebrew) Mikbatz, 11(2
Ofer, G.(2004) The therapist is dreaming: the effect of the therapist's dreams on the therapeutic process. In: Anastasopoulos, .D. & Papanicolau, E. (eds.) The therapist at work. London: Karnac Ltd
Ofer, G. (2002). Some reflections on analysts' dreams relating to their patients. Psykoterpia, 21(1):52-59
Ofer, G. and Hadar, B., (2001). The Social Unconscious Reflected in Politics, 375-385 :)3( .Organizations and Groups. Group Analysis, 34, 3
Ofer, G. and Durban, Y. (1999). Curiosity: Reflections on its Nature and Functions. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 53, vol.1
Biran, H. & Ofer, G., (1999). "Continuous maintenance of dead organizational aspects as a defense against annihilation anxieties". Paper
presented in the international conference of International Society of Psychoanalytic Study of .Organizations, Toronto, June 1999
Ofer, G. and Hadar, B., (1998). The Social Unconscious in Politics, Organizations, and Groups: A case of Overseas Training Course Mikbatz, 3. (In Hebrew(
Ofer, G. (1997). Book review: In a Different voice by Carol Gilligan (translated into Hebrew).Sihot, 15,1997 Durban, Y, Lazar, R. and
Ofer, G., (1993). The Cracked Container, the Containing Crack: Chronic Illness-Its Effect on the Therapist and the Therapeutic Process. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 74:705-713
Ofer, G. and Rachmani, L. (1980). Identification of Ambiguous Objects in Patients with Unilateral Hemisphere Lesions. Paper presented in the International Congress of Psychology, Leipzig, Germany, and published in the Proceedings